If there’s one big thing that XCarnival happened in the past week, it is certainly the XPawn testnet launched on Ethereum , letting NFT lending model empower NFT liquidity🚀. Speaking of feedback, the gobal ecosystem of XCarnival developers, founders, investors and enthusiasts to build the start of our XPawn🔥🔥 Thank you all!
1⃣️ Market/Testnet Recap by 08/05/2022
- Number of XCV address: 13,181
- Discord members : 3,260
Twitter members: 52,858
Telegram members: 68,646
3. XPawn Testnet Total Value Locked: 60749.89ETH
4. Receive feedback & proposal: 297
5. NFT Collaterals: 952
2⃣️ Technical Progress
1. Complete the prototype and design of claim airdrops
2. Optimize XPawn details and improve the clearing page
3. Acutally, we have updated twice which is including the front-end & contract
3⃣️ Operational Progress
- Total number of pledged Mystery Boxes: 14,296
- Mystery box now uses the most updated APY data
3. Number of XCV addresses held by wallets: 13,181
4⃣️ Campaign Progress
In the past week, we focused on XPawn testnet campaign, Thank you again, stay tuned for the next week, as well as be able to find more invotation.🎉
If you have not join the camoaign, join now https://xcarnival-lab.medium.com/xcarnival2-0-testnet-kicks-off-how-to-win-30-000-token-rewards-210dc950f3c0
About XCarnival
XCarnival is a lending aggregator that provides easy-to-use financial products. Users can put their NFTs on XBroker as a pledge to borrow money from other lenders. Additionally, users can simultaneously borrow money from Megabox with their altcoins, such as Pancake, Dodo, Bit.store and many more.
XCarnival 2.0 product — XPawn testnet has launched on Ethereum👉 pawn.xcarnival.finance/pool
To learn more about XCarnival, visit xcarnival.fi, follow @XCarnival_Lab on Twitter, join discord discord.gg/SnpRNMkZ2k